Future of Education

(Principal Jackie Vaughan with ACT Minister for Education, Yvette Berry and ACT Chief Minister, Andrew Barr)

The Future of Education Strategy

The Future of Education Strategy outlines the plan for education in the ACT for the next decade. It is based on what the ACT Government has heard through a conversation with the ACT community and an analysis of issues by a range of experts. The Strategy is based on four foundations and four principles for implementation that form a 'roadmap' for the future.

The vision of the strategy is to build a future-focused education system that equips children and young people with knowledge, skills and understanding to prepare them to embrace the opportunities and face the challenges that are emerging in our rapidly changing 21st century world.

At Evelyn Scott School, the Future of Education Strategy has informed our whole school vision of co-creating a contemporary and connected school with our community. We have aligned our approaches to learning and wellbeing to the Future of Education Strategy and we revisit it regularly to review and refine our practices. Additionally, the Future of Education Strategy is embedded into the way in which the Leadership Team have formulated our two Strategic Priorities for the school.

  1. Build learners’ capacity to solve problems, be critical and creative thinkers, and self-directed learners
  2. Develop learners’ belonging and connection to the school

The Four Foundations of the Future of Education Strategy

  1. Students at the Centre

“The soft skills of yesterday have now become the hard skills of today”

(Students are at the centre of all that we do at Evelyn Scott School – Zain in Kindergarten, 2021)

2. Empowered Learning Professionals

“None of us is as smart as all of us”

3. Strong Communities for Learning

“One family at a time”

(Harmony Day at Evelyn Scott School, 2021)

(Dr Evelyn Scott, image used with permission)

(Photos of our families displayed in our Community Room)

4. Systems Supporting Learning

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; growing together is success.”

(Principal Jackie Vaughan with the Director General of ACT Education, Katy Haire)

(Our School Values) 

The Four Principles of the Future of Education Strategy

Equity – At Evelyn Scott School, “student achievement sets aside economic, social and cultural barriers” (ACT Future of Education Strategy). We need to remember that some learners will progress through the stages at different rates and some learners will require more scaffolding and support than others. All learners have the opportunity to succeed in a contemporary educational setting. We meet all learners where they are and prepare them to take their place in an ever-changing world. All learners have the capacity to solve problems using creative approaches incorporating the Six Fluencies and inquiry-based learning. Throughout these processes, all learners are encouraged to remain curious, connected and creative.

Student Agency – At Evelyn Scott School, “students make decisions about their learning and how their learning environments operate” (ACT Future Education of Strategy). Our contemporary educational approach actively promotes the development of future skills, including self-directed learning. Teachers are no longer the agents of learning; instead learners have agency over their own learning journeys. Teachers co-construct essential questions with their classes and learners have voice and choice in the classroom. Learner Agency means that learners are genuinely in control of their learning.

Access – At Evelyn Scott School, “supports for learning and wellbeing are available and provided to all students” (ACT Future of Education Strategy). Education is a human right and is the professional obligation of all teachers to ensure that each learner has access to their learning. We have recruited highly experienced Learning and Wellbeing Coaches to support teachers with this endeavour. Wellbeing is as important as academic pursuits and all staff recognise that it is important to ‘make space for learning’ by ensuring that the wellbeing needs of all students are met.

Inclusion – At Evelyn Scott School, “diversity is embraced, all students are accommodated and a universal sense of belonging fostered” (ACT Future of Education Strategy). We have established a positive inclusive culture in our school’s foundation year. Lesson tasks and activities are crafted to provide the correct amount of scaffolding, support and challenge for all learners. Difference is celebrated and all learners and families are welcomed and valued. We are very lucky to have a beautifully diverse community and all cultures are valued. Learners explicitly learn about what it means to be a global citizen. All learners belong to their school.